Tuesday, December 29, 2009

of flamboyant Fjords and outside reins

Well, besides the fact that the idea of Radar as flamboyant is kind of hysterical, this visual has helped me ride the trot so much during my last few rides, really getting him to move uphill and into my hands instead of plowing forward onto the forehand. We did a bunch of sitting trot work on Sunday, working on the exercise where I get an inside or outside bend and then improve the trot from that spot. I realized once again that the saddle I'm riding in, a JRD that is custom for Radar and his owner, is not particularly ideal for me! I got so sore at the spot where the saddle skirt ends and meets my thigh. Definitely wasn't a muscle soreness issue, more of a hitting me in the wrong spot when I sit really deep issue. Oh well, as Mia said it's a mark of a good ride to have these sorts of issues. We got some really good trot work done from this place, more of the flamboyance--definitely skirting the tendency to collect and suck back yet still remain connected to the bit. Mia said my sitting trot has really developed recently... she tried to claim that on Radar it was one of the best in the barn, I don't know if I quite believe her but I'll take the compliment!

Today we worked on bending into changes of direction and circles, and I once again worked on activating my core and thus using my outside rein. It's fascinating that I can do one thing without activating my core properly, and have it slightly fail, but then once I'm organized and have my body aligned and activated correctly I can change both his way of moving and my own way of using my body. It was a really good ride.

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