Saturday, January 29, 2011

So apparently we can actually bend and leg yield...

In the bitless bridle, Indy is much more willing to do bending and leg yielding exercises.  He tends to become braced against the bit in a bitted bridle, so you have to work against that.  In the bitless, once he realizes he isn't going to accidentally get yanked with the bit, he is much more receptive to this.  Worked on really getting him to bend through the corners and on baby leg yields down the long sides.  The idea that the shoulders have to lead really resonated and helped me be more effective with my outside rein.  It's such instinct to try to prevent a drift towards the rail, you have to let the shoulders lead while still preventing it turning into a drift.  In my next lesson, I'm going to put my spurs on for the first time on him - I'm happy that my legs are secure enough that it's an option!  With a large horse and me with my not-very-strong legs... I think the spurs will be helpful!  Excited to try again on Tuesday.

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