Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Updates and good lessons

Last week: Had two very good rides on Radar.  He really makes you ride every. single. step. which is challenging in a way but also good feedback because it's what a rider should be doing on every horse.  He's in a really good place, and we had some fun with cantering and that sort of stuff - things that were quite difficult last year when he was in his pain cycle.

Today's lesson: Indy's back in action! Had a good lesson after some initial weirdness of going from a 14hh to 16hh horse!  Worked on really bending him and getting his hind end moving.  He's interesting because he's subtler than Radar in his evasions - he'll hollow or brace, but he will still keep going forward (just not as well).  It's easier to get complacent, which we definitely can't have!  But by the end of the lesson I got some great trot work in almost a training level frame... for me, that's a great accomplishment.  So I'm sore but it was worth it.

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