Sunday, July 3, 2011

Taking that Leap of Faith

So in my lesson on Friday, when I was preparing for my first canter depart of the ride... Mia just told me to take a leap of faith and go with it.  I have to trust myself and the horse.  And you know what? It worked.  Got some wonderful right-lead canter, left lead a little sticky due to my ridiculous inability to keep my left foot in the stirrup and face outward enough, but it didn't faze Indy one bit.  He's perfect and his canter is actually kind of amazing for working through things like this because his stride is so huge that you have enough time to process things and remember position things while you can fix them.  Love it.  So he might not actually be going... I hope not. But who knows?!

Other horse-related news, I finally got around to seeing Buck, an amazing film that really solidified what I want to become as a rider.  I realize that I have no clue what the future holds competition-wise for me, but I want to become the best horse person possible given my circumstances and abilities.  This film really proved to me that it is possible.  I also have a ridiculous desire to increase my horse knowledge - I want some clinics to audit or (gasp) participate in!  I've never been at barns that hosted clinics, so that whole aspect of riding has been lost on me.  I'm lucky enough to have a trainer who does that, but it might just be time for me to take that bull by the horns, no pun intended, and figure out how to get to the next step.

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